Brand Storytelling: How Companies Can Tap Into Our Love for Stories

The image shows an arranged still life with a drink and some decoration as an intro to my article about brand storytelling.

By Nine Blaess | 5:41 min

In this article

Thriving companies often have one thing in common: they understand the power of brand storytelling.

They know how to tell compelling narratives to build a connection with their audience. In this article, you will learn how your brand can tap into our inherent love for stories.

What’s Behind Our Love for Stories?

People are wired for stories. Storytelling has been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years.

In fact, humans have been telling each other stories since the dawn of time—through cave paintings, words and—later—in written from.

But what is behind our love for storytelling? Stories serve different purposes—from ensuring our survival to improving our memory.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why we find stories so captivating.

1. Stories Give Us a Shared Goal

Our ability to collaborate in large teams sets us apart from all other animal species. Stories play a role in this. They can strengthen our team spirit by guiding us towards common goals.

Take religions, for example. Their stories have motivated large groups to build temples, perform ceremonies and even fight wars together.

2. Stories Help Us Bond

When we tell stories, we create a shared experience. Sharing our memories, feelings, and knowledge connects the storyteller with the audience.

Stories don’t necessarily need to be profound to achieve this.

Evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar found that 65% of all public conversations revolve around social topics, mostly gossip. He believes this gossip helps us form relationships and share information, even in large social networks.

3. Stories Motivate, Persuade and Inspire Action

When we hear a story, we become emotionally invested in the journey and challenges faced by its characters.

Stories enable us to see the world from different perspectives, fostering empathy and motivating us to overcome our own challenges or take action.

For instance, a study revealed that individuals who heard a story about a girl in Africa donated, on average, twice as much as those presented with facts alone.

3. Stories Give Us Meaning

Stories provide a sense of control and help us find order and meaning amidst chaos.

A good example is Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning.” In the book, Frankl reflects on his experiences as a prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War.

He observed that people’s stories helped them cope with hardship and trauma. Frankl believed that stories gave people a sense of purpose even in the darkest of circumstances.

5. Stories Help Us Survive as a Species

Throughout history, people have used stories to warn each other of potential dangers.

Whether in the form of cave paintings, myths, or personal experiences, storytelling allows us to learn from the experiences of others in dealing with difficult situations.

Did you know? Research has shown our brains process fictional stories similar to real-life events. This suggests we can learn from stories just as we learn from real experiences.

6. Stories Improve Our Memory

The use of characters and plotlines provides our brains with the context and structure they need.

Additionally, stories activate different brain regions, pairing information with emotions, which makes information stick better.

According to Jennifer Aaker, a behavioural scientist and professor of marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, stories are up to 22% more memorable than facts alone.

Stories are up to 22% more memorable than facts alone.

7. Stories Pass Knowledge and Culture On

Stories are also a means of passing on knowledge, values, traditions and beliefs from one generation to the next.

So, they help to preserve the identity of communities. A great example are the Māori who tell faszinating stories about nature and their rich heritage.

8. Stories Entertain Us

Many stories simply exist to give us joy and a break from our normal lives.

Did you know that stories can even make us feel good? They can trigger the release of dopamine, the happy chemical in our brains.

What is Brand Storytelling?

Brand storytelling uses narratives to communicate your brand’s values, personality, and uniqueness to its audience.

Instead of simply selling products or services, brand storytelling connects with your audience through interesting and authentic stories that touch their emotions and meet their needs.

By showing your brand as more than just a business, brand storytelling makes it relatable, building trust and loyalty with your customers.

You can tell your stories in many different ways—through ads, social media posts, on your website, in videos, and even through customer testimonials.

The goal is always to create a distinct image that matches your brand’s values, boosts awareness, and turns people into loyal fans.

According to the Harvard Business Review, fans are more likely to buy more, pay more and stay loyal to your brand.

What’s more, they may even become brand ambassadors by referring others to your brand.

7 Common Themes in Brand Storytelling

Brand storytelling can cover a range of themes. Here are those that come up repeatedly:

1. Origin Story

In your origin story, describe how your company was established, highlighting key moments that shaped the brand’s identity.

  • Why was the company started? 
  • Who founded it?
  • What successes have you had? 
  • What obstacles did you face? 
  • How did you overcome them? 

A good example of a brand sharing its origin story is Converse.

Founded in 1908 by Marquis Mills Converse, the company has evolved into a leading footwear brand. Converse’s origin story showcases its journey from a rubber shoe manufacturer to a well-known sports and leisure brand.

2. Mission and Values Story

Just as your origin story sheds light on your beginnings, stories about your mission and values reveal why your brand exists and what it stands for.

  • How can your brand change the world?
  • Which core values guide your brand’s decisions?
  • How does your brand demonstrate its commitment to these values?

A classic example of a company communicating its mission and values through storytelling is Patagonia.

Using business to inspire solutions to the climate crisis, Patagonia’s stories underscore its commitment and activism toward sustainability, responsible sourcing, and ethical manufacturing practices.

3. Customer Experience Story

This type of story discusses how customers experience using your products or services.

  • What roles do your products play in the lives of your customers? 
  • How do they fit into their daily routines?
  • Have customers faced challenges using your offerings? How did they overcome them?
  • What emotions, feedback, or opinions do customers voice about their interactions with your brand?

Warby Parker, for example, tells a customer experience story with its “Try at Home” programme.

Anyone can try up to five frames at home before buying. The company not only uses this program to showcase its range of frames but to tell the story of how convenient it is for a customer to find the perfect pair of glasses with Warby Parker.

4. Employee Story

Your employee story focuses on the personal experience of the people working for your company—be it about their roles or their contribution to the businesses’ success.

This is particularly interesting for your employer branding, especially when it comes to attracting new talent.

  • What do employees bring to your company’s success?
  • How do employees experience working for your company?
  • Can you share a specific employee success story?
  • How does your company support employee growth and well-being?

Google is an example. In its “Life at Google” section, the tech giant highlights the experiences and achievements of its employees from diverse backgrounds, departments, and locations.

5. Product Story

Your product stories focus on how your brand’s offerings have changed peoples’ lives.

  • What unique features or qualities set your products apart?
  • How do your products improve people’s lives?
  • Have customers faced challenges that your products helped them overcome?

Patagonia also taps into product storytelling. For example, the company highlights how its customers use the products in real-life situations.

6. Community Involvement Story

Community involvement stories highlight your company’s philanthropic and sustainable efforts.

  • How does your company contribute to its community?
  • What initiatives or projects have you launched?
  • Can you share examples of your brand’s involvement in charitable causes or community support?

A classic example is Toms. For every pair of shoes purchased, the brand used to donate another pair to a child in need.

But Toms has since shifted its focus to supporting people in need of mental health treatment.

7. Industry Leadership Story

In an industry leadership story, your brand highlights its pioneering position and its role in driving innovation within the sector.

  • How does your brand lead in the industry and drive innovation?
  • What groundbreaking initiatives or technologies have you introduced?
  • Can you share real examples of your brand’s leadership?

Take Tesla, for example. The company demonstrates its innovation by focusing on technological advances, such as its electric powertrains and autonomous driving features.

A Guide to Crafting Compelling Brand Stories

Authentic, relatable, and emotionally engaging stories can create a lasting connection between your brand and its audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting your brand story:

1. Understand Your Audience

The foundation of effective brand storytelling is a clear understanding of your target audience. Research their demographics, interests, and aspirations. By understanding their needs and pain points, you can tailor your stories to resonate with them and address their concerns.

Why would the audience want to listen? Why would they care about and share your story?

2. Understand your competition

When crafting your brand stories, define what truly differentiates your brand from others in the industry. How can storytelling underline your uniqueness?

3. Define Your Brand

Clearly define your brand’s values, mission and personality. This work will serve as the foundation for your brand storytelling, ensuring the stories align with your brand’s essence and purpose.

Are there discrepancies between how your brand is perceived and how it sees itself? Can storytelling help bridge these gaps?

4. Identify Core Messages

Decide on the key messages you want to convey through your stories. Is it your commitment to sustainability, quirkiness or outstanding product quality?

5. Choose Your Storytelling Themes

Consider the common themes in brand storytelling mentioned earlier. Select the themes that fit your brand. By the way, brands rarely just tell one story. Often multiple stories add up to convey the bigger picture.

6. Develop a Story Arc

Every great story follows a structure: introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Apply this narrative arc to your brand stories. Introduce characters, challenges, and resolutions that mirror your brand’s journey or the impact it creates.

7. Incorporate Emotion

Emotion is the heart of storytelling. Infuse your narratives with emotions that your audience can connect to. Whether it’s joy, empathy, inspiration, or nostalgia, evoking an emotional response makes your stories more memorable.

8. Humanise Your Brand

Showcase the people behind the brand, from its employees to its customers. Personal experiences create relatable connections that foster trust and loyalty.

9. Be Authentic

Authenticity is key. Avoid exaggerations or false claims, today’s consumers are smart enough to see through them. Instead, focus on real stories and genuine experiences.

10. Use Visuals and Other Media

Who said storytelling has to be words? Visual elements can breathe life into your narratives, making them more shareable and memorable.

Use different media. Photography, words, video, graphics and even real-life events can tell the same story in different ways.

11. Be Consistent

Consistency in your brand storytelling builds recognition and reinforces your brand identity. Maintain a consistent tone, style, and message across all storytelling efforts.

In fact, the best stories can be told in several ways. Once you have developed some compelling brand stories, tell them again and again.

Share your brand stories through different channels, such as ads, blog posts, customer interactions or on social media. Each of these “micro-stories” will shape the perception of your brand as a whole.

Donald Miller’s 7 Essential Elements of a Good Story

There are many frameworks you can use to put your final story together, such as The Hero’s Journey or “StoryBrand.”

Donald Miller, author of Building a StoryBrand,” outlines seven fundamental elements every brand story should have:

  1. A Character (your customer)
  2. Has a Problem (they need to solve)
  3. And Meets a Guide (your business)
  4. Who Gives Them a Plan (your offer)
  5. And Calls Them to Action (to start the buying process)
  6. That Ends in Success (a purchase)
  7. And Helps Them Avoid Failure (what happened if they did not buy)
Donald Millers worksheet outlining how to create brand storytelling

You can download Donald Miller’s worksheet, here.

Get My Brand Storytelling Workbook

You might also find my Brand Storytelling Workbook helpful—just sign up for my newsletter, and it’s yours.

Mockup of the Brand Storytelling Workbook cover


In wrapping up, our innate love for stories makes brand storytelling perfect for building stronger relationships with your audience.

As you craft your brand’s narrative, remember to anchor it in your overarching strategy and align it with your brand identity, intended audience, and values.

We identified seven common themes for brand storytelling: 

  1. Origin Story
  2. Mission and Values Story
  3. Customer Experience Story
  4. Employee Story
  5. Product Story
  6. Community Involvement Story
  7. Industry Leadership Story

Whatever themes you talk about, compelling stories appeal to our emotions. Thus, they can captivate people and turn them into loyal fans. Remember to tell the same stories over and over again in a variety of ways, media and channels.

Frameworks like Donald Miller’s “StoryBrand” can help you structure your brand storytelling.

By embracing your brand’s stories, you can create a lasting impact and foster connections that go beyond transactions.

Ready to elevate your brand with strategic branding and a standout website? Let’s shape your brand story together. Get in touch and let’s talk about your project.

If you enjoyed this article, you might want to check out 4 Must-Reads That Go Beyond the Typical Branding Books, where I introduce two books that hugely shaped my thinking about storytelling.


Picture of Nine Blaess

Nine Blaess

Hello, I’m Nine. I blend strategy and design to craft engaging brand identities and websites that celebrate the uniqueness of each business.

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